The Hall offers modern, purpose-built facilities with free parking. The Hall is available for hire for a wide range of community events, private functions and training seminars. We offer a large sports hall, a smaller hall and a committee room, a large kitchen and ample parking. In addition there are 4 sports changing rooms. We have free WiFi: access details on the noticeboard.
The Hall is the venue for Parish Council meetings and is grateful for their financial support - usually meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month except August. Click to vist
Can you Help the Hall Team?
At the forthcoming May 2025 AGM the Chair (Tim Weaver) and Secretary (Andrea Kaciniel) will DEFINITELY be standing down and we need to appoint new volunteers into these roles. The Treasurer and other Trustees will be happy to help provide continuity and support to anyone taking on either of these roles. Tim and Andrea have worked hard in particular to get the Youth Club running at the Hall and in continuing to promote Artsreach, but the roles are in no way full time posts and are part of a supportive team.
If you are interested in either of these positions please contact the Chair, Tim Weaver, on tel: 07785267948 or email
Upgrading the Hall Facilities: We have recently upgraded lighting in the main hall. Contractors have fixed the leaky roof, a smart meter has been installed for more accurate electricity bills, and an electric vehicle charging point should be installed shortly in conjunction with the Parish Council.
Thanks to Artreach for a fantastic evening of jazz with the Neil Maya Quartet on Saturday 15 February
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